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The Ubbo Emmius Foundation is an independent charitable organization for the promotion of education and research at the University of Groningen.

The UEF is a designated ANBI, making all donations tax deductible. In addition, our foundation has been granted the official Seal of Approval from the CBF, the regulatory agency for recognized charities in the Netherlands.

These qualifications are registered under our Dutch fiscal identification number (RSIN) 816046591 and Chamber of Commerce (KvK) registration number 41013496


The UEF is a classified ANBI, the official designation for charitable non-profit organizations in the Netherlands. Donations to the UEF are tax-deductible, with legacy gifts and bequests free of inheritance or estate taxes.

ANBI requirements mandate a minimum of 90% of all expenditure be allocated towards the common good, no goods or services are to be received in exchange for our activities, and financial statements be filed to the Dutch tax authorities at the end of each fiscal year.

For an indication of the tax benefits in your situation, please use the online calculator hosted by ANBI gift. For additional questions, please contact us by using the online contact form.

CBF Seal of Approval

The UEF carries the Seal of Approval from the CBF, the official qualification by the regulatory agency for charitable organizations in the Netherlands, guaranteeing our foundation’s adherence to the highest standards for transparency and fund governance for charities.

The UEF’s annual report and financial statements are made publicly available on this website, so that our stakeholders may review our approach and policies, and donors are able to track the disbursement of their contributions. Our CBF-passport can be found here (only available in Dutch)

FIN Good Governance

The UEF is a member organization of the FIN, the association for charitable foundations in the Netherlands. FIN is a member of DAFNE, Donor and Foundations Network Europe. The UEF Board declares our foundation operates in compliance with the FIN's code of good governance, and to file the annual declaration of the FIN's framework for Good Governance, which is reviewed periodically. The latest review took place in 2022. For more information, please consult the FIN website.

Asset Management

The UEF’s strategy for asset management is overseen by our Investment Committee (please consult the UEF Board page) who share their expertise with us on a voluntary basis. Our investment portfolio is managed by Van Lanschot Kempen wealth management in Amsterdam.


The Audit Commission oversees the integrity and quality of the foundation’s financial processes. Specifically, the commission formalizes procedures for financial reporting and external audits and the monitoring of issues in relation to risk management. The UEF's legal counsel is TRIP consultancy, we work with BDO for accounting services, and our tax advisor is Caraad.

Articles of Association

Please use this link to download the Ubbo Emmius Foundation's articles of association


Gebruik deze link om de privacyverklaring van het Ubbo Emmius Fonds als PDF te downloaden.

Get in touch

The UEF welcomes donors, foundations, alumni and others who share our curiosity about the future.

Online contact form